1. Check ingredient best before dates, the fresher the better.
2. Only use water that is free of chlorine odour and is acceptable for drinking.
Hint: If you don’t plan to make the brew straight away, store the yeast in the fridge.
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1. Check ingredient best before dates, the fresher the better.
2. Only use water that is free of chlorine odour and is acceptable for drinking.
Hint: If you don’t plan to make the brew straight away, store the yeast in the fridge.
A major cause of failure when brewing is infection due to poor cleaning or sanitising. All equipment that will come in contact with your brew must firstly be cleaned then sanitised.
1. Rinse or soak all brewing equipment in water until caked on residue is softened. Note: Avoid any forms of detergent or soap unless specifically made for brewing.
2. Remove residue with a soft cloth and rinse thoroughly. Note: Do not use any cleaning aid that may scratch the plastic.
3. Remove the snap-tap and separate into its two main pieces, clean any residue then reassemble and refit.
1. Dissolve 4 capfuls of Coopers Sanitiser in the Fermenting Vessel (FV) with a litre of hot water.
2. Place all equipment in the fermenting tub, fill to the brim with cold water and let soak for at least 2 hours.
3. Drain the FV through the tap and rinse all equipment with hot water.
1. Add ¼ cup of unscented household bleach to the FV.
2. Place all equipment in the FV, fill with cool water and let soak for at least 30mins. Drain the FV through the tap and rinse out with hot water to remove all traces of chlorine smell.
1. Mix can contents with 2 litres of water. Add recommended fermentables.
2. Top up FV with cold water to the 20 litre mark (17 litre mark for a 20 litre brew or 15 litre mark for an 18 litre brew). Mix thoroughly with plastic spoon and check temperature is between 21°C - 27°C (70°F-80°F).
3. Top up to the 23 litre mark or desired level (20 litres or 18 litres) with hot/cold water in order to achieve 21°C - 27°C. Try to get as close as possible to the lower end of the recommended temperature range. Hint: If you are unsure of the quantities of hot and cold water required try filling the FV with hot and cold water without the ingredients to get a feel for what is needed to achieve 21°C-27°C.
4. Sprinkle yeast evenly on the surface of the brew and fit the lid.
Note: The yeast supplied with 86 Days Pilsner is a pure lager strain and behaves differently to other yeasts in this series.
Important: Even if the temperature is outside recommended range but within the range of 18°C-32°C (64°F-90°F) add the yeast. At this point prompt addition of yeast is more important than ideal temperature.
5. Measure Original Gravity. See table of approximate Original Gravity (OG) and Final Gravity (FG) readings using a Thomas Coopers Series brew can and recommended fermentable. If you are adding other fermentables and/or making the brew to a different volume, you will need to take the Specific Gravity (SG) reading with a hydrometer to determine OG. Readings will only be accurate if the brew has been mixed thoroughly.
After 12 to 24 hours, you will see indications that fermentation is underway such as foam beginning to occur and the brew becoming cloudy. At this stage make sure the temperature is consistent and leave your brew to ferment.
Hint: Temperature Control. Whilst the yeast that comes with the brew can will ferment effectively at 18°C - 32°C, we recommend a brew temperature of 21°C-27°C for optimum results. Some techniques for controlling temperature are; hot box (box with a low wattage light globe attached inside), heat pad, heat belt, immersion heater, place FV inside in a temperature controlled area, insulate FV, place in disused fridge, drape wet towels over FV.
After about 6 days at 21°C or 4 days at 27°C (higher temperatures shorten the ferment time) test the SG with a hydrometer. Test the SG each day. Final Gravity (FG) is reached once SG is stable 2 days in a row.
Important: Lower ferment temperatures extend the fermentation period.
This means your brew is ready to bottle, at this point we recommend you try your brew to check if it tastes and smells okay. If so, you can proceed with bottling.
Ensure bottles are clean and sanitised, fill to neck of bottle.
Once filled add two carbonation drops for every 740-750 ml bottle, this equates to priming your bottles at the rate of 8 grams per litre. Then screw the caps onto the bottles ensuring they are screwed on tight.
Store the bottles upright and away from sunlight, at or above 18°C for at least 2 weeks to allow the secondary fermentation to take place.
Hint: Storing (conditioning) your beer beyond two weeks should improve aroma, flavour, mouthfeel, clarity and head retention.
Chill beer and serve.
To serve, open the bottle and decant into a glass or jug if you wish to keep your beer clear. Cloudy beer enthusiasts may choose to rotate the bottle gently before opening to mix the yeast deposit through the beer.
Please note: The information in these instructions are not owned by BrewCo, and are obtained from suppliers of the kits.