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Fuggles T90 200g

Fuggles T90 200g

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Premium quality T90 hops vacuum packed for optimal freshness and flavor. Ideal for homebrewers and commercial breweries, these pellets preserve essential oils and aromas, ensuring consistent brewing results. Shop now for reliable hop storage and enhanced beer quality.

Fuggles hops are a classic English hop variety known for their distinct earthy, woody, and herbal characteristics. Here’s a detailed hop profile for Fuggles:

Fuggles Hop Profile

  • Origin: England

  • Aroma: Fuggles hops are celebrated for their mild, earthy, and floral aroma. They often present notes of grass, wood, and subtle herbal qualities, with hints of spice.

  • Flavor: The flavor profile is similar to the aroma, featuring earthy, woody, and herbal elements. It can also have a slightly floral and grassy taste, making it a great choice for traditional English ales.

  • Alpha Acid Content: Typically ranges from 3% to 5%, making Fuggles a low to moderate alpha acid hop. This low bitterness level makes them more suitable for aroma and flavor additions rather than for high bitterness.

  • Beta Acid Content: Usually around 3% to 4%, contributing to its overall flavor profile.

  • Common Uses:

    • Primarily used in English-style ales such as Bitters, Milds, Porters, and Stouts.
    • Often used for late hop additions and dry hopping to enhance aroma and flavor without adding significant bitterness.
  • Pairing: Fuggles hops pair well with other traditional English hops like East Kent Goldings and Challenger, allowing for a complex and well-rounded flavor profile in beers.

  • Characteristics:

    • Low to moderate bitterness
    • Earthy and floral aroma
    • Balanced flavor profile
  • Brewing Tips:

    • Best used in the later stages of the boil or during fermentation to preserve the delicate aroma and flavor.
    • Consider blending with higher alpha acid hops for a balanced bitterness if desired.

Fuggles hops are a favorite among brewers seeking to create traditional British-style beers, adding depth and complexity to the final product.