Hailing from Europe, the dark or black lager is an intriguing blend of contrasts. Despite its dark hue, these beers are crafted with lager yeasts, making them deceptively drinkable. A style of beer
delivering instant refreshment when served icy cold. Our version is a smooth lager with a malty body and a crisp, dry finish. The dark colour is deceiving and contradicts the light mouthfeel of this thirst-quenching beer. Brewed using a bottom fermenting yeast and infused with Hallertau hop pellets, this beer serves not only as a delightful beverage but also an intriguing conversation piece.
Requires the addition of 1kg Spraymalt or brewing sugar (purchased separately).
Weight: 1.5 KG.
Makes 35 pints.
Approx. 5.0% ABV
Includes 30g Hallertau Hops