This kit allows the home winemaker to test all wines for presence of Pectin, which is a major cause of cloudy wines. The kit also contains a treatment to eliminate any problems that are identified by the test. The kit contains replaceable reagent, treatment solution, and a pipette and sample test tube to ensure accurate measurements are achieved.
Instruction for Pectin Test and Treatment:
Add 1ml of wine to the test tube using the pipette. Then add 3ml of Pectin Test Reagent. Secure the test tube cap and shake for a few seconds. Leave for 30 minutes then view the solution against a light source. The presence of white sediment (sometimes white string like strands) or a white cloud in the solution indicates the presence of pectin. If untreated the wine may be difficult to clear. To treat the problem, add 10 drops of Pectinaze per gallon of wine (more may be added if necessary).
For professional clarities, always filter your wine through a Vinbrite Filter before bottling/storing.